Do You Use Drains For Gynecomastia Surgery?

Most of our cases are grade 1 to grade 2 and because of the type of anaesthesia we use bleeding is reduced and hence complication rate is very low. We use double compression and don't see the need for drains but for very big cases occasionally drains are used.

Dr Hassan Nurein Gynecomastia Surgery London and Sheffield, UK

Dr. Hassan Nurein is an experienced board certified gynecomastia surgeon specialising in gynecomastia treatment. He is helping hundreds of patients every year change their lives through gynecomastia surgery.

Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nurein to discuss treatment for gynecomastia. We offer consultations at our clinics across the UK, including London (Harley Street) and Sheffield. We also offer video consultations. Contact us for more information.