Gynecomastia Surgery Riaz Testimonial

Gynecomastia Surgery Testimonial with Dr Hassan Nurein.

Our patient, Riaz, is 35 years old. He has had gynecomastia since puberty, which has affected his social life such as going out, swimming, doing sports.

He wants to change his lifestyle and that's why he made the decision to treat his gynecomastia.

Riaz found us online and had two consultations, at which Dr. Nurein thoroughly explained to him the procedure. This gave him the confidence to take the step and have the gynecomastia surgery.

Riaz tells us why he chose to have the surgery with Dr. Nurein, how he felt during and after the procedure and what life feels like now that it’s done.

Dr Hassan Nurein Gynecomastia Surgery London and Sheffield, UK

Dr. Hassan Nurein is an experienced board certified gynecomastia surgeon specialising in gynecomastia treatment. He is helping hundreds of patients every year change their lives through gynecomastia surgery.

Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nurein to discuss treatment for gynecomastia. We offer consultations at our clinics across the UK, including London (Harley Street) and Sheffield. We also offer video consultations. Contact us for more information.