How Long Does Gynecomastia Recovery Take and How Soon Can I Resume Work and Exercise?

Basically I do these surgeries under local anaesthesia, the incision in most cases is done just on the lower part of the areola, or the border of the areola, and this incision takes about a week or two to heal.

And after that patients can start jogging, cycling, swimming. But for strenuous training and contact sports we advise to wait a month or longer before surgery.

In terms of work, it depends on what you do. A lot of people are working from home these days, so just a few days it’s enough before you can go back on to your laptop or computer. For office work, if you're commuting we advise you to take a week off just to be on the safe side.

If your work is physical we advise you to take just over a week off as you will be wearing a compression vest and we don’t want you to do anything that will cause pain and such.

So that is the immediate healing. You may or may not have bruising and swelling pain, these are not severe and in most cases they are temporary and go away within 2 weeks.

And for bigger cases where we do skin excision, that is on an individual basis, depending on what method you’ve had done, because if you smoke and if you have other conditions, that can affect your healing.

So it’s very individualised in terms of what to expect, but for most people immediate healing is two week.

And for the final results, it also depends on what grade you have. For the most common types of gynecomastia and mild cases you see the results straight away. For other cases where there is skin excess and we use skin tightening, it may take up to six months before you see the final results.

So don’t panic straight away after gynecomastia surgery, because you may have a bit of hardness and such and the skin may not be as tight as expected. We need to give it up to six months or so before all this healing is complete.

Dr Hassan Nurein Gynecomastia Surgery London and Sheffield, UK

Dr. Hassan Nurein is an experienced board certified gynecomastia surgeon specialising in gynecomastia treatment. He is helping hundreds of patients every year change their lives through gynecomastia surgery.

Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nurein to discuss treatment for gynecomastia. We offer consultations at our clinics across the UK, including London (Harley Street) and Sheffield. We also offer video consultations. Contact us for more information.