How Will The Scar Heal After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Immediately after surgery the scar is clean and without visible stitches. In the first 2 weeks you may have darkening of areola skin or scabbing and hardening of the incision area, this can take 2-6 months to go back to normal or soft as the skin is remodelling itself after the surgical trauma. That is one of the reasons we wait 6 months. Occasionally we consider medical steroid injection (kenalog) if the scarring is causing some sort of distortion otherwise I prefer to have patience and to avoid injections as your skin is naturally remodelling the scar from hard to soft.

You will have access to our aftercare team if you have concerns about your healing.

Dr Hassan Nurein Gynecomastia Surgery London and Sheffield, UK

Dr. Hassan Nurein is an experienced board certified gynecomastia surgeon specialising in gynecomastia treatment. He is helping hundreds of patients every year change their lives through gynecomastia surgery.

Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nurein to discuss treatment for gynecomastia. We offer consultations at our clinics across the UK, including London (Harley Street) and Sheffield. We also offer video consultations. Contact us for more information.